Previous Projects

This project has gone through multiple iterations and continues as a work in progress. Some of the author’s previous work and ideas which have led to the “Pocket Share Jesus” book project include:

  1. Stories of Faith Podcast Series: Testimonies & Tales (background from 2008 and 2011)
  2. May 2015 Pocket Share Jesus – Mo-Ranch Men’s Conference (Hunt, TX)
  3. May 2014 Family Oral History and Smartphones – Mo-Ranch Men’s Conference (Hunt, TX)
  4. May 2013 Telling Your Mission Story with iPad Video – Mo-Ranch Men’s Conference (Hunt, TX)
  5. May 2012 Be a Digital Witness for Jesus – MoRanch Men’s Conference (Hunt, TX)
  6. BLASTcast podcast (Kids’ Sunday School podcasts, videos, photos and blog posts)
  7. 3 Minutes About Jesus: digital witnesses for Christ (originally available on, but I let that domain registration lapse)
  8. Spiritual Parenting (a website supporting a midweek class Dr. Fryer and his wife co-led in 2013)
  9. Faith Discussions (a website supporting a past midweek adult discipleship class at our church, and a past book study by our church session)
  10. Exploring the Biblical World Through Google Earth (a midweek adult discipleship class Dr Fryer taught at his Edmond church in 2008. The Moodle course setup for the class is no longer online, and audio recordings/iTunes podcast channel are also now unavailable.)

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Here is a narrated slideshow video and slides from Wesley Fryer’s workshop, “Pocket Share Jesus” prepared for the 2017 MoRanch Men’s Conference in Hunt, Texas.

On October 22, 2016, Wesley Fryer shared a repeated chapel talk at Casady School in Oklahoma City titled, “Pocket Share Jesus with Bible InfoPics.”

For this presentation, Wes created and shared on YouTube a 7 minute narrated tutorial video demonstrating the steps of using five apps (YouVersion Bible, Safari with the website, Adobe Spark Post, Instagram and EchoFon) to create Bible verse InfoPics.

Learn more on the InfoPics page of this website.

On April 30, 2016, Wesley Fryer shared a workshop titled, “Pocket Share Jesus” at the Mo Ranch Men’s Conference in Hunt, Texas. This presentation was audio recorded and the mp3 file is available for playback below.

[podloveaudio src=”″ duration=”59:14″ title=”Pocket Share Jesus by Wes Fryer (April 2016)”]

This is a work in progress! Please send feedback / suggestions to @wfryer on Twitter or via webform.


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Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ Copyright © 2019 by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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